• One on one therapy with the focus on relational issues: exploring relationship dynamics, attachment styles, relational boundaries, communication, interpersonal conflict management, parenting etc.

    $145 + tax / 50 minute sessions with OTSTCFQ receipts for the services

  • A couples relationship assessment that focuses on the relationship history, individual relationship development, relationship strength, area of challenge, potential causes for the couples’ presenting issues, and a professional relationship treatment proposal

    $240 + tax / 75 minute intake sessions. $160 + tax / 50 minute Individual Assessment sessions with OTSTCFQ receipts for the services

    $39USD Gottman Relationship Check up Assessment (invoiced through the Gottman Institute)

  • Couples therapy with the focus on addressing specific relationship issues and on improving relationship at different stages of the relationship journey. A relationship assessment is pre-requisite to starting couples therapy

    $160 + tax / 50 minute intervention sessions with OTSTCFQ receipts for the services

    $149USD Gottman Relationship Builder Feature optional (invoiced through the Gottman Institute)

  • Family therapy with the focus on addressing presenting relational issues and on improving family relationships in different life transitions and circumstances: through exploring communication patterns, conflict management styles, reflecting on family roles, individual schemas, and practicing compassionate communication

    $160 + tax / 50 minute sessions and $240 + tax / 75 minute intake sessions (3+ family members) with OTSTCFQ receipts for the services

  • One on one therapy with the focus on mental health and emotional issues: using art therapy interventions to increase creative emotional expressions, emotional regulation, personal reflections, mindfulness practices, stress reduction, somatic grounding, etc.

    $145 + tax / 50 minute sessions with ANQ Naturopath receipts for the services

  • One-on-one or group art therapy supervision for art therapy students or certified art therapists seeking to become a registered art therapist

    $100 + tax / 50 minute sessions wiwith OTSTCFQ receipts for the services

  • Relationship workshops designed to attending common relational issues/needs that are present in clinical settings. Therapist will provide psychoeducation, therapy processing space for participants to access therapy tools and resources in the context of a supportive group setting.

    $250 for 5 sessions

    {$50/ 1.5 hour session}

    8 participants maximum

  • Closed art therapy groups designed to attending to common individual/relational themes that are present in clinical settings. Therapist will provide art therapy experiential/interventions to create space for clients to creatively express and attend to their individual process in the context of a supportive group setting.

    $250 for 5 sessions

    {$50/ 1.5 hour session}

    8 participants maximum

If you have insurance and plan to obtain reimbursements for the services, please consult with your insurance company regarding your coverage prior starting therapy.